Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hot Child in the City

Ok so I'm in Delhi, and so far there has been only one monkey.


But... Remember Rukks? The friend I mention once in a while? The girl with the warped fashion sense who used to leave really mean comments on here? The first friend to tell the truth about that skank-ass weave I had done by Feline in Smackdown vs Raw? and moaned about in Pants On Fire?

Well... Rukks has a blog now! Yaay! Please read it, it'll make you laugh. And whilst I was not too pleased about her blatant THEFT of my name concept, I decided to go ahead and do the "good friend" thing anyway.



What is going on? Everyone is in India. What about me? I want to be in India. ++sob, sob, sob++

ababoypart2 said...

Have fun

Anonymous said...

Delhi? I don't get it. How do you never stay still...?

Atutupoyoyo said...

A few words please so that we may sleep easy, knowing that you have not been devoured by a rabid monkey.